Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Motivation -- a good article!

Greetings All -- it's Karma again!

I was reading Women's Health this morning and came across this article -- I thought it had some great tips! I've included a link below!

Also: Don't forget our first NSFC Class is this Saturday Morning. The topic this week is on Nutrition. Your packets have the time and class description or call Shoshone Family Medical for specifics at 886-2224.

The first team support meeting is Monday night -- watch your in boxes for details about the time and place. We've added more support teams, so there will be several time slots from which to choose.

Here's that article: -- Let us know how your journey is going!

Workout Motivation

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about this competition. Hopefully this will be the motivation I have needed.


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